Thursday, March 18, 2010


Here is a notice that I received in an email from the head of security. Hilarious, because people just park wherever they want. There are huge signs around that say "clamping is in effect." Yeah right! People never get clamped and they do not obey the signs. Every time I read it I read "Camping is in effect" and then get confused. Here is the email:

*Once again I must bring to your attention the inconsiderate parking
of cars on the North Campus. Some car users continue to show complete
disregard for the
Emergency Services, Wheel-Chair access, Pedestrian Crossings, cyclists
and grass margins.While it is apparent there are insufficient car
spaces, it is incumbent on everyone to make every effort to park
without danger or obstruction to other users. Therefore will you
please refrain from;

1.Parking within 15 metres of junctions
2.Blocking emergency access
3.Blocking wheel-chair access
4.Parking on or within 15 metres of pedestrian crossings
5.Parking on bends with double yellow lines
6.Parking on entrance road to Creche
7 Parking in Service Area ( outside Arts Block )

In order to deal with the above traffic violations , *car clamping
will be enforced with effect from Monday 22nd March*

I would also ask you to seriously consider car pooling, public
transport, cycling or walking when coming on campus. The exercise of any
of these initiatives will greatly assist in alleviating the car parking

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