Sunday, February 14, 2010


I realized recently that I have not written about my roommates yet.

Short version: I love them.

Long version: I have 3 Irish roommates and one French roommate. The Irish girls are First-years (18-19) and I think that Pauline (the French one) is 21. I do not really feel like I know them all that well, because I have not been here that long and they are not here on the weekends, but I was gone this weekend also.

Aisling: The red-head of the bunch, though I would not put her personality as a stereotypical fire-y one. She is super fun, does not speak bad of anyone, very pretty, easy to talk to, and lets me borrow her straightener (giving her extra points!).

Sinead: The one who gets things done. She came back from the weekend and pronounced that she will clean the bathroom head to toe tomorrow. I like this girl! She has dark short hair and is also a super fun girl. I think that she is the one that I understand the best.

Triona: Very tall and thin and sooo nice. I have the hardest time understanding her, I think because she talks fast. She loves the floral print. It is very in here. Maybe it is at home too. I never thought that I would see the day. If I still had my floral pink leggings from when I was 8, I would be sooo cool.

Pauline: I do not see Pauline very much, but when I do I like her. She has very dark hair and a great smile. She always is trying to convince me to come out with her and her friends. She is upbeat and laughs a lot.

The Irish girls are good friends and hang out together. I hang out with them most of the time. Pauline usually hangs out at her friend's apartment and is not here to socialize very much. She loves the pubs, which does not mean that she is a huge drinker, but just that she likes the pubs.
I am excited to get to know my roommates better as the year goes along.

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