Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sports: Correction

I have some Irish friends who are reading my blog and were very offended when I described Hurling like field hockey. Now I will try to correct my poor representation of the Irish sport with a YouTube video. This is a good one, though long.

Here is one on Gaelic football. I went to go see a semifinal match between NUIM and DCU (Dublin City University) yesterday. It was fun. All the Irish sports make the American sports look sissy, especially American football. "Who needs pads?" is their motto. Also, I do not think that the U.S. boys would be able to wear shorts so short as they are here.
Start about 1 minute in. You can hear a really thick Irish accent from the announcer on this one.

Rugby is also very popular and my favorite to watch.
This is another long one, but good and with some traditional music.

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